Friday, August 20, 2010

Google Scholar Widget with EZproxy

I've updated the Google Scholar widget we use in LibGuides and other places so that it automatically uses EZproxy. This means that the 'Find It @ JCU' link will appear regardless of whether the user has set their Scholar preferences to show JCU's openurl link resolver.

I tried this in the past but found that form inputs wouldn't pass through from the form through EZproxy to Scholar. But Helen Hooper raised the issue again so I took another look and found OCLC has instructions for allowing a form to use the ezproxy prefix in a form action.

Even better is that because the master code is stored in a LibGuides content box, and our LibGuides link to it AND because the gadget code I distribute is called from LibGuides I've managed to update all instances of the code with one edit. Chuffed.

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